Design Tool Basics: Wall Options

Along the bottom of the design tool are options to adjust and view specific walls within your design. Learning to use these tools will allow you to move around your design quickly to edit your custom solution.
Wall Options
Changing Wall Mount Types: Selecting either “Floor” or “Wall” will switch only the wall you are viewing to be either a Floor Mounted or Wall Mounted solution. If you would like to change the mount type of every one of your walls, select “Wall Mounted” or “Floor Mounted” from the drop down in the menu above your design.
Adding Wall Notes: Want to add a few notes for yourself or your EasyClosets designer? You can add questions and comments about each wall by clicking on the sticky note button labeled “Notes.”
Select Wall
While you’re designing a solution, you can easily switch between the walls in your space by selecting them in the lower right corner of your screen. Click “View All” to see every wall appear on the design stage.
Want to learn more about getting started with the EasyClosets online design tool? View more Design Tool Basics articles here.